Software Engineering

Tailored software and teams for you

Goal‐oriented software development that keeps you in the loop throughout the process. 

Ableneo provides software solutions while working with you to determine exactly what your company needs. Expect feedback throughout the process, clearly identified milestones and regular audits of your codebase.


Years spent in the software engineering market, delivering consistent quality for our customers.


Average years of experience for our senior colleagues. Work with the best at Ableneo.


The market for software engineers globally grows at 11% each year, while the number of engineers increases only 3%.


Code reviews of between a fifth to a third of your codebase deliver the majority of value.

Software engineering services

Building future‐capable companies

Change delivery for Slovak Telecom a.s.

Slovak Telekom decided to roll-out a new strategic application for the customer – OneApp. Because of the strategic importance of the application, the need for real-time data insights from operations, sales and management perspective was crucial for application success and significant customer adoption.

Ableneo helped us to process and optimize near-real-time logs at peak more than 15 GB per hour.

Slovak Telecom
Slovak Telecom

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No unimportant questions

Providing expert answer to your business needs

Do you have more questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact our Software Engineering expert.

We utilize our team’s know‐how buy involving our colleagues in regular knowledge sharing and internal project reviews. We support individual development with a career path tailored individually to personal technical goals that are aligned with our technology radar:

Our ambition is to be a partner with our customers. By teaching our partners how to ‘fish’ instead of merely offering advice, we build a strong relationship and lay the ground for continued collaboration.

The first step is always an assessment followed by a business transformation plan. From our experience, this process takes 6‐24 months.

Ableneo offers a wide portfolio of services and outsourcing is only one of them. In addition to providing expert teams to identify, review, and propose solutions for your problems, we also offer the necessary resources for executing those solutions..

We transfer knowledge to internal teams and implement process changes. This ensures that the new way of working becomes ingrained within the organization.

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