Why labor productivity must be the focus for EU competitiveness

Why labor productivity must be the focus for European competitiveness

Europe is lagging significantly behind the USA, China, and other nations in labour productivity. What does it take to change it and why should we try?

The sum of productivity growth

This week, the media has been focused on a report published by Mario Draghi, discussing the competitiveness of the European economy — you can dive in here.

One of the key areas the report highlights is the growth of labor productivity, which plays a crucial role in determining living standards. Europe is lagging significantly behind the USA, China, and other nations in this regard.

As an expert with more than twenty years of experience, I believe any responsible manager, after reading Draghi’s report, will recognize the importance of fully addressing this issue.

Because the productivity growth of a country is the sum of the productivity growth of its companies.

Systematic approach

While it’s possible for any organization to improve productivity incrementally, a dramatic boost requires a systematic approach and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies.

Choosing the right technologies and learning solely from internal trial and error can have a negative rather than positive impact on the organization.

“The productivity growth of a country is the sum of the productivity growth of its companies.”

We know what we talk about

As a company entrenched in the field of productivity and efficiency for eleven years and more than 100 projects, we’ve seen firsthand how impactful the right strategy can be.

With the right guidance, these challenges are not only manageable, but can be turned into opportunities for growth.

If you’re looking for productivity experts, feel free to reach out for a consultation or to learn more about how we can support you on your journey to efficient business.

Contact me via email at pavel.dvornak@ableneo.com or read more about how we optimize businesses on our website.

Why labor productivity must be the focus for EU competitiveness was originally published in ableneo Process on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
