MTBIKER: Business process optimisation


MTBIKER faced challenges with communication and role clarity across multiple locations and remote work, leading to inefficiencies and prioritization issues. We conducted interviews and financial analyses to map processes, identify pain points, and link them to financial losses. By using an impact/effort matrix, we pinpointed key processes with the highest potential for optimization. Our efforts identified €1.5 to €2.1 million in potential savings and provided actionable guidance for improving profitability and operational efficiency.


Motivation to change

MTBIKER operates from multiple locations and remotely, leading to communication challenges and unclear roles. We identified a need for better processes and standards, especially for remote work and knowledge retention. Prioritization issues and too many simultaneous projects hinder productivity.


Change delivery

We conducted a series of interviews to map processes and identify pain points within these processes. We performed a financial analysis to connect the pain points to financial losses. Based on this information, we prepared an impact/effort matrix. Using this matrix, we identified key processes with the greatest impact on profitability and developed a plan to realize improvements.

Tools & means

  • Interviews
  • Financial analysis
  • Impact/Effort matrix
  • Process maps


Change outcomes

We have helped them identify key processes within the company that have the greatest potential for optimization with the goal of increasing profitability and provided guidance on further steps towards improvements.

Used services

  • 19
    different process evaluated
  • 32
    key processes evaluated and analysed
  • 1,5 – 2,1M€
    identified savings

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